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About Me

About Me

Welcome to my blog where you will get to know all about me! First and foremost, I’m Gary Kinsella, a 39-year-old Londoner embarking on a mission to transform my life before turning 40. Join me on this journey as I work towards becoming the healthiest version of myself, all the while maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

About Me and Rebecca

I have a long-term partner called Rebecca, and an adorable 2-year-old daughter named Willow. In this blog, I will be sharing the ups and downs of family life, offering insights into our daily adventures, and, of course, delving into the chaos that is all part of the parenting journey!

About Me and Willow

You’ll find a wealth of insights and experiences related to my passions, including our life in London. I will be discussing fashion, men’s grooming, technology, health & fitness, travel, cars, wellness and of course lots of food & drink.

I’m looking forward to diving into meaningful discussions about my experiences with Crohn’s disease, a condition close to my heart. As well as other topics that I am passionate about. 

Join me on this journey of self-improvement, exploration, and embracing all that life has to offer. My aim is to inspire as many people as I can to make the most of every day and to look and feel good doing it.

Stay tuned for insightful blog posts and don’t hesitate to join the conversation by sharing your thoughts in the comments. You can also contact me using the link below.

Click here to Contact me.

Thank you for visiting my site, I hope you stick around.


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